Wednesday, May 4

A Letter for a Secret Love

Dear E,
I have never told you that I like you…perhaps you have no idea about the countless hours I have spent thinking about you, imagining what it could have been if I had known you earlier or if we had spent more time together. 
You are my secret crush in UP. 
You’ll never know how much my heart screamed when you asked for my number…how ecstatic I am every time we ride the Ikot together on our way to class…and how disappointed I am that we can never be together because we are universes apart…
I am a coward because I was never able to tell you this. You were the last person I saw before I left UP…the only person I wanted to be with; I have learned to stop yearning for the chance for us to be together because I know that will never happen. 
As such, you’ll remain forever as my deepest regret and my greatest what-if in my entire UP life. You have made me happy and I will forever cherish the memories of your wonderful smile that had once, in my life, made me thankful that I am alive. :)
— H.P. 


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