Monday, June 7

Dumaguete is ♥: Adventure #2 Lutoban, Siaton

This is my second post about my Negros trip in 2011. After visiting the beautiful paradise that is Nasig-id, I was itching to travel again and explore the hidden wonders of my hometown. Being stuck in Manila for a good 3 years took a toll on me and I was itching to walk and have a change of scenery. With the suggestion of my uncle/godfather, we decided to go to Lutoban. 

Now let me tell you something first about Lutoban. Lutoban is actually a name of a barangay in Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental. Our destination is actually the place where a lake and the sea both meet. I don't know what it is called because I'm bobo about those jargons but when I asked good Mr. Google and  Ms. Wikipedia, the closest they could come up to is a lagoon or an estuary My uncle was singing praises about it so imagine my excitement when he said that it was close to the Antulang Beach Resort. If you don't know what or where Antulang is, it's just the five-star resort where Ryan Agoncillo proposed to Juday. Imagine that?! But aside from that, Antulang is a famous destination for foreign nationals who visit Negros because it boasts of it's beautiful coastline and rock formation and it's a pretty good location if you want to dive. :) Get to know more about Antulang, click here

Here are some of the pictures from Antulang that I got from the net. No, I have never been there. Ang mahal kaya. Dollars ang usapan teh. The pictures are NOT mine and are posted for information purposes only. 

Ong gondo-gondo!

Beautiful infinity pool. 

Together with my Tatay, my uncles and the rest of my cousins, we went for a drive to Lutoban (which is about 45-60 minutes away from our house). Ryan, Eldrick and myself decided to ride the motorcycle while the rest of our company rode the ever-handy tricycle of my uncle/Ninong. It was an adventure for me because a.) I have never seen a lagoon/estuary before and b.) I'll go there riding a habal-habal! 

We left at noon (ang jinit! swear!) and drove our way to the rock-strewn path towards the far-flung barangay that is our destination. I could not help admiring the sceneries as we pass by. I have never seen so many trees and fields before and what fascinated me more was that I could see horses roaming freely by the side of the road! I took pictures of them using my handy-dandy phone, Aleckses. Below are some of the shots. 

Me and Ryan. 
Eldrick behind the lens. 

A view of the beach.
It was low-tide then so we could see some fishermen standing at the middle of the sea, the water knee-high. 

The road to Lutoban

Can you see the horses? 

After a very bumpy ride, we arrived at the house of my Ninong's in-laws. I thought that was where we were supposed to go so I was so surprised when I realized that the beach was far from where we were. I asked my Ninong where we were supposed to go swimming and he smiled at me and pointed at the back of the house.  I run thinking that the beach was near their backyard and my jaw-dropped when I saw that we are way too far from our destination. The house was on top of a freaking hill and the lagoon was way below it. I asked my Ninong how we were going to get there. He shrugged and said, "Lalakad tayo mamaya." (We are going to trek later.)  
While we were resting, my cousins and I decided to wander off and check out the places near the backyard. We saw a trail and followed it and we were able to see a part of the estuary/lagoon. We didn't dip though go the water was too murky. I thought this was the place where we were supposed to swim so imagine my disappointment when I saw how dirty it was. All that heat and trouble of going there for nothing?! 


Jen and Sherry checking out the estuary

Some watery-hole near the bank.

Look at that dirty water and the small mangroves on the bank. 

I told my Ninong that the place seems to be really dirty and it doesn't seem fit for swimming. He laughed at me and told me that the dirty bank was not where we'll go swimming. He pointed at a bank far from the hill and said, "Dun tayo pupunta."
Now to give you a perspective of how far that place is, I'll post a picture. 
You see the other side of the bank, (look at the upper right corner where there are trees and sand), that's where we were going.

A starfish we saw at the beach. 

The mangrove trail



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