Monday, September 12

How to Get to Casaroro Falls from Dumaguete City

The welcome sign at the entrance of Casaroro Falls.

1. Take a tricycle and tell the driver to drop you off at the jeepney terminal to Valencia City Proper. (PhP8 per person)
Alternative route: You can walk to the terminal if you're on a tight budget. It's a few blocks away from the Dumaguete Public Market. Notable landmark: Cristita Partosa Merchandise Store. (The owner shares the same name as my late paternal grandmother. How I wish we were that rich.)

2. Once you get to the terminal, take a 30-minute jeepney ride to the city proper of Valencia.(PhP15-20 per person). The jeep leaves every 15 minutes. 

Alternative route: There are many tricycle drivers waiting in the terminal. You can negotiate with them and they can take you as far as Banica Resort/Tejeros. (In our case, we paid 25php per person and the driver dropped us off at Tejeros) This option is better if there are too many of you travelling. It's a little more expensive than the jeepney ride but the upside of it is that you can ride a habal-habal in Tejeros for a much lower price compared to the ones in the city proper. 

3. Upon arriving at the city proper (for those who took the jeepney), you can check out the old Spanish fountain in their plaza. It is beautiful. :)  Once you've had enough of it, you can find some habal-habal drivers near the jeepney terminal and they will charge you about a 100 pesos per person for a one-way ride to Casaroro Falls. (Yes, it's a bit expensive but the ride is very very far...and rocky. Some of the drivers also said that that's the fix price and you can't really haggle to avoid competition between the drivers) 

Valencia City Proper

The old Spanish Fountain at the Valencia City Proper

Another fountain at the city proper. 

The Banica Resort
Alternative route: If you chose the Banica Resort route, you can wait for a habal-habal there and you can negotiate with the driver. They can charge you up to 70-80 pesos for a one-way ride. It is, however, difficult to find an empty habal-habal here so you might need to wait for a long time. You can also walk from Banica Resort to Apolong drive like we did, but mind you, it's very far and tiring. In our case, we were able to haggle with the driver and we only paid 30 pesos per person for a one-way fare to Casaroro. But that's after walking for two hours from Banica Resort to Apolong Drive. 
Our habal-habal driver. Bonsai and the other guy.
I don't know if I still have their contact number. 

Note: It's good to negotiate with your habal-habal driver and arrange for them to pick you up as drivers rarely go there without passengers. I tell you IT IS IMPORTANT that you have a sure way to go back to the city proper or you'll be stuck in the site. :) Again, the fare depends on your arrangement. 

4.The habal-habal driver will drop you off at the entrance of the Casaroro Falls and you will need to pay 10 pesos for the entrance fee (and 50php for the cottages) . Then you'll need to carefully climb down the 335 steps, cross a short bridge and do a little trekking to see the actual falls. It's a tiring ride but I tell you, it's definitely worth it because it's one of the most majestic things you'll ever see in your life. 

Entrance to Casaroro Falls
Click picture to zoom in.

Schedule of Rates

Something's missing there.
It should say "335 steep steps". No joke. :| 
The start of the "trek"

The steel stairs to the falls. 

The bridge to Casaroro Falls
Click the picture to zoom in.
Cottages at the Casaroro Falls
50php/day rental fee

Getting to the falls. 

Casaroro Falls from afar. 
The pictures are all mine unless stated otherwise. Please practice decency and don't steal it. Thank you. :)


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