Monday, September 19

TVD Recap: Season 3x01 - The Birthday

Alaric, Damon and Elena during the latter's 18th birthday party
The third season picks up on Elena's 18th birthday, two months after where the second season left off.   Now that Jenna is dead, Alaric took the place as Elena's and Jeremy's legal guardian. He spent the entire summer sleeping on their couch because he totally refused the other option, sleeping on his dead ex-girlfriend's old room. 

Evil Klaus and Ripper Stefan corner a hairy Ray Sutton 
in a local bar in  Tennessee
Elena is worried about Stefan because she hasn't heard from him for two months and she totally refuses to accept the possibility that he might be dead. Elena urges Damon to search for Stefan who we last saw leaving town with Klaus. Andie, Damon's fake compelled girlfriend, helps Elena, Damon and Alaric to find Stefan by giving leads she picked up from her job. 

It appears that Klaus has been searching for the oldest pack of werewolves to turn them to an army of hybrids and help him fulfill his grand plan of ruling the world. With Stefan's help, he tracked down a werewolf named Ray Sutton (played by David Gallagher) and forced him to spill the whereabouts of his pack.

Pretty Boy Matt and Vampire Barbie
Meanwhile, a very happy and blooming Caroline arranges a party for Elena's special day. She and Tyler seems to be spending a lot of time together (it's about time! THANK YOU TVD Gods) while pretty boy Matt appears to have a hard time dealing with the fact that his best friend is now "dating" his ex-girlfriend. Jeremy, on the other hand, is left alone and haunted by the ghosts of his past girlfriends (Anna and Vicki) and he does not know what to do about it. He refused to mention a word to Bonnie (who is out of town visiting her relatives) and tried to deal with the problem alone by smoking weed. This does not help as the specters keep on appearing periodically on cars and dark eerie places, catching him off guard and almost driving him bonkers. 

Unbeknownst to Elena, Damon has been hiding facts from her about the murders happening across state borders ---which appears to be Stefan's handiwork -- in an attempt to protect her from having her hopes shattered if she finds out that Stefan does not want to come back.Damon received a lead from Andie and tries to track down Klaus (and Stefan's) latest murder scene. He and Alaric drive to Tennessee and find the house where Ray Sutton used to leave. They discover the dismembered bodies of two girls which were "put together" on the couch. Damon recognizes it as Stefan's M.O. He tells Alaric that Ripper Stefan' "feeds so hard he blacks out and rips them apart but then when he's done, he feels remorse and he puts the bodies back together." (It's kinda gross and twisted if you think about it...completely different from the Stefan we all know). Damon and Alaric tries to cover the crime scene by burning down the house. This appeared to be a bad idea because it came to Klaus' knowledge and he realizes that Damon is tracking them down. Stefan convinces Klaus to let him deal with it and the latter agrees. 

Stefan compels Andie to lure Damon to the TV Studio. He tells Damon to stop tracking them and Damon refused, saying that "a birthday girl at home won't let him do it" (If you don't understand, it means Elena, duh.) Because of this, crazy Stefan commands Andie to kill herself and reiterates to Damon to back off and let him go. He then leaves the studio while a distressed Damon rushes off to Andie's lifeless body. (I actually felt sad for Damon here.)

Oh Caroline. :(

Back in the Salvatore mansion where  Caroline throws Elena a birthday party, almost half of the minors in Mystic Falls are in attendance. Tyler brings a date (Slutty Susan or whatever she's called..she's totally insignificant I forgot to remember her name) and this annoys Caroline because even if she denies it to herself, she is slowly falling in love with her hot werewolf buddy. She compels the girl to leave the party and after Tyler asked her what her problem was, they kissed and hooked up...and it lead know. Sadly, it turns out the interim Mayor Cougar Lockwood is on a vampire-hunting spree and she shots Caroline when the latter tried to sneak out of  Tyler's room the next morning after they "hooked-up". (Does she hate it that her son is dating another Carol too?)

Alaric, on the other hand, who was acting as the helpless chaperone, realizes that he is not making a good role model for the kids since he's always drinking to forget his misery (I mean, who wouldn't? He lost his vampire wife and human-turned-vampire girlfriend for chrissakes.) He decides in the end to leave the Gilbert house and leaves Elena in-charge since she's already an adult. (this happens later in the episode, though)

Loveless Alaric

Elena, for reasons best known to herself, goes to Damon's room and comes across his closet full of articles and notations to track Klaus' victims. She then confronts Damon (after he came back to the house following Andie's death) and asked him why he kept her in the dark and made her feel stupid the whole summer (sweetheart, you've been stupid since the start of the show) for thinking that the leads she get are dead-ends. Damon tells her that he did it to protect her because the victims were not Klaus' victims but Stefan's. Elena did not believe him and runs out of the room (typical Elena move)

Back to evil Klaus' universe, Stefan returns to the bar and tells Evil Hybrid that the Damon problem has been dealt with. Klaus answers back and tells him that Stefan is putting up a really good show and he (Klaus)  knows that deep down inside of him (Stefan), he (Stefan) still cares for his family that's why he chose to deal with it himself and not let Klaus do it. Klaus adds that he will soon forget all about those feelings as he drinks more  blood and loses his humanity. (Evil bastard. I hate him with a burning passion.)

Look at his poor face! :(

The episode ends with two heartbreaking scenes. Damon destroying everything in Stefan's old room, (perhaps out of anger that he's baby bro killed his fake compelled girlfriend or because he hates the fact that Elena still chooses Stefan); and Stefan calling Elena's phone. As Stefan remained silent on the other line, Elena realizes that it must be him and tells him that everything's gonna be okay and he should hold on to the fact that she still loves him. Stefan does not reply but he nods tearfully (I just hate seeing him cry.. he looks so helpless,  it makes me want to run and give him a bear hug).

The season premiere did not disappoint in terms of fulfilling our hunger for the much-awaited third season. I just have a few things to point out. 

1. Stefan the Ripper 
-I do get the fact that he's trying to serve Klaus as a payment for Damon's life (and also to protect Elena  and the rest of the gang ) but gahd it feels so frustrating to see him in the dark side and playing it so well. It's a good thing for his character though, it adds depth and flavor,  since I find him too one-dimensional in the first two seasons. But should it really be like this? Do you really have to turn him into a monster?

2. Caroline and Tyler 

Finally! Thank God these two are together. I just hope it's gonna last long. I doubt it though,  what with Matt acting like a jealous doofus around them and Cougar Lockwood shooting our Vampire Barbie down . Not cool, Mayor Lockwood. NOT.COOL. 

3. Jeremy's Ghosts of Girlfriends' Past. :)
- What's with those creepy apparitions? What do they want? Will they drive Jer crazy? Will they be resurrected as well? If it's Anna, then it's okay but PLEASE don't bring Vicki back. She's annoying and dumb and she's an insecure beeyotch who does not know what she wants. :( 

Creepy Annabel is creepy.

4. Klaus
- So the Evil Hybrid is building an army. Interesting. Let's make the all-powerful antagonist even more powerful and undefeatable. Seriously, TVD Gods? You need to do something about it. I just can't stand this asshole ruining everybody's life just because he thinks he can. (I can't wait for the Originals to be resurrected. All hell will surely break loose.)

5. Will Damon-Elena happen?
-Oh God, please not! As much as I love Damon (and yes, I think Captain Smolderpants is a GOD), I can't picture him with Elena. I love that the writers are considering the possibility of a good ending to his unrequited love for Elena (after they take all the girls he liked away from him.. ehem Rose ehem Andie)  but I don't think they have enough chemistry to equal that of Stefan and Elena's tandem . IMO, Damon and Katherine are a better match. If they are together, they will be a force to be reckon with, donchatink? This scene is sweet, though. (Please look at pictures below)

6. Where is Katherine? 
- I miss the bitch, they should bring her back. At least, she's got more character than Elena. 

Well, it seems that Season 3 is gonna be very very exciting. According to the producers, they have a lot of things in store for us. I can't wait to get hooked again.

And because we can't get enough of Damon, here are the other screenshots from the episode.

Sexy Sexy God.


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