Monday, June 7


So here is the thing, I am not really used to writing a blog. I am not even used to writing at all. Of course I did countless of essays and research papers when I was a university student but those do not really count because they are mere products of academic pressure. I only finished them or even wrote them in a daily basis just to get a college degree.

But why am I starting a blog?

I don't actually know. I was sifting through my Tumblr account when I suddenly felt an urge to find a place where I can document all of the silly encounters that I am having (which is roughly rare because I don't really go out of the house recently) and preserve them for future necessity's sake [whatever that means]. I am pretty sure that my blogs will not be interesting as I am not very creative with my outputs. I am not also fond of writing long blogs coz I easily get tired typing on my computer. Most of the entries will be my own personal rants and some will be stories about my daily experiences and what-nots.

And with that, I end this first blog.


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