Monday, June 7


 When you were a child, all you ever dreamed of is fulfilling your ambition of becoming a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher or  whichever God-knows-what career your parents have brainwashed you to aspire.

 You go through sixteen years of education (which is practically a combination of boredom, procrastination, loss of self esteem, excitement and sleepless nights) and finally, you climb that stage while your college dean hands you that dip-freaking-ploma which signifies the end of the nightmare you have endured for so long; your parents are beaming at you from below the stage, that awful Pomps and Circumstance song by Sir Edward Elgar is playing in the background and you feel like you are the most important person in the whole wide universe for getting past through more than a decade of stuDYING. 

And then the dilemma starts. You now face the most difficult university of them all, the UNIVERSITY OF LIFE and there are no curricula than you can follow, no syllabi to tell you which book to read or when the examinations will be and the worst, you will be pit against a never-ending series of final examinations that can really make or break you as a person. There are no marks or grades to measure your capacity, no report cards after the end of every year, your professor is practically non-existent, if not invisible and you can't just skip classes when you want to. It definitely sucks but there is nothing you can really do about it but push through. 

So what is the battleplan? 

Nothing really. It depends on how you would want your life to be in the next couple of years. You can either grab the bull by its horns or just stand on the sidelines and watch the beast take its course. 

Now the first step that you have to do is to find a way to survive. You cannot really depend on your parents now to give you the weekly allowance like they used to when you were still a student. You are basically on your own in this jungle and you have to catch your own food, you young cub. 

   Finding a job is probably one of the most important thing a person should accomplish in her/his life. Unless you are an offspring of a multimillionaire who owns probably half of the country where you are staying or a celebrity even before you were born, you will, at one point in your life, be subjected to that equally stressful job hunting  which I may tell you, can literally dishearten you and wipe away that happy bubbly feeling you had when you graduated. 

It's like freshman year all over again, the only difference is that you haven't found yet which clique you will belong to or which organizations you will take part of. You try to test each and every single option available, you try to prove yourself and tell them that you deserve to be picked and be part of the prestigious group that they belong to. Some will take notice and some won't. Sometimes you will be entertained while others will not give you as much as a flicker of hope that you can be part of the group. And it will hurt. It will hurt badly but the sad thing is, you will always end up with the number one rule of life : It's life, there is nothing you can do about it so learn to deal with it. 

I have had my own share of disappointments being a fresh graduate this year. Being a UP graduate (and not just a graduate but a cum laude), one would conclude that I can find a job so easily. But that statement is always proven to be wrong. UP grad or not, you get no special treatment in the world of unemployment. I, personally, have been turned down by several companies that I have applied to, either because of lack of experience or because the "position has already been filled". It just simply tells you that one lucky bitch out there is a bazillion times much better than you are so "Sorry honey, thanks for trying."

The most recent rejection letter that I got is from the company I am working for right now as an English tutor (which name I will not mention in case it might ruin my future chances of being part of the company). I got the email probably two hours ago and a part of it went something like this:

Dear Ms. Partosa, 
 This is to acknowledge our receipt of your resume.Thank you for expressing interest in applying for the position .However, please be informed that at of this moment, we have put the application on-hold, as we have been able to acquire interns during our screening period last week. We are keeping your resume for future reference.
We will be contacting you for the status of your application once the position is opened once again. Should you have other concerns / inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. 

And so it went yada yada yada. It actually hurt because I really wanted the position and I was really waiting for the response for like two weeks now.But unfortunately, I am not good enough or so they think. So what am I to do now? Actually deep in my heart, I am praying that the position will be reopened again and I get the chance to just even be interviewed because right then I would know that I tried my best to get the job. Unfortunately, I got turned down. It sucks. It really does. And it is just one of the hundreds of emails that I have received saying that i am "not good enough" for them. 

Then what am I to do? I have been spending almost three months now at home, doing nothing, spending my days unproductively, just watching reruns of my favorite TV shows, sleeping and eating when I want to. I wonder how my father feels about me now. I know he is not saying anything just because I am still earning from the part time job that I have at night.

To tell you frankly, I am happy being a tutor. If I were given a choice I would want to continue this for the next couple of years. The thing is, I feel that this isn't enough to justify the four years worth of sleepless nights that I spent in UP. I need something more to make me feel that I am worth something. I honestly don't know what to do now that my recent "dream job" has turned me down. But as I always say, I have to move on. There is no use crying over spilled milk right? I just have to find another job and hope to God that I finally find that clique where I belong. 

So there, hello world of unemployment. Probably I am here to stay for a couple of months. I hope you get tired of me. 

P.S. Sorry for the incoherence of the blog. That is just the way I write. XD


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