Monday, August 8

Sometimes, It's just so tiring.

I could not remember a time when I was free.

All my life, the only thing I have known is responsibility. At a very young age, the adults around have me forced me to grow up early and they forced me to carry a burden that normal teenagers don't experience.

I could not buy what I want. I could not do the things I dreamed of. I always have to think of the people around me and how my every action will affect their lives.

I am tired.

I am so tired of these chains that constantly ground me. I am so tired that I always have to carry your burden. I am exhausted. I want to be free from this responsibility that you have forced upon me. This is not what I wanted.

You ask me why I never get a move on with my life. You blame me for not wanting to go out there and establish myself. You have no idea that you are the reason why I don't.

You have constantly pegged me to this rut. Your expectations are choking me. You want me to carry all the weight for you and yet you refuse to listen when I try to speak up. You are worst than any monster under my bed. You are like a poison that is slowly killing me and I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this. 


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