Sunday, March 6

Finding Nemo: The Manila Ocean Park Adventure

This year, me and my bestfriend have agreed to visit as many places as possible. Our adventure for this year should have started with a Laoag trip which I booked last October with Cebu Pacific's Piso Fare (free plugging pa..). I was able to get us three one-way tickets for a total of 336PhP but unfortunately, due to some constraints at work I wasn't able to go with them.

So, instead of enjoying Northern Luzon, our adventure started here in Manila. I haven't had time to hang out with my best friend since the start of the year because we were both busy at work and so, since both of us were feeling gung-ho about travelling, we grabbed the chance to spend a weekend afternoon exploring one of the tourist destinations here in our very own polluted and congested capital. 

We met up at around two in the afternoon and proceeded to our destination, Neil (my bestfriend's boyfriend) tagging along with us. After two jeepney rides, we arrived at a very crowded Luneta Park. Honestly, I was quite surprised that there are still a lot (and I mean A LOT) of people who choose to visit and stay at the said park given the abundance of Henry Sy's malls in the metro. Blame it to lack of money perhaps, a huge number of people were strolling around the park; lovers, families, old school photographers and streetchildren. 

We walked our way to the Quirino Grandstand where the entrance of the Manila Ocean Park is located. It was sweltering hot, we felt like ice cubes melting under the heat of the sun. I kind of regretted wearing a pair of shorts as my skin easily gets tanned.  One friendly advice, don't go there in the afternoon or if you have no other choice, just bring an umbrella and a water jug and also, don thin apparel. (Do not wear sleeveless shirts or shorts if you plan to watch the Sea Lion show unless you want to get a tan.)

The entrance of the park is located at the back of the Quirino Grandstand. One can easily reach it because there's a huge sign on the road indicating the way to the entrance. Upon arrival, we decided to buy our tickets at the booth outside the building. Some attendants advised us to watch the Sea Lion show first as the last show is at 4:30pm. We obliged. 

There were several promo packages available for the summer season. We availed the Marine Life Encounter which originally costs PhP700  but we were able to get it for only PhP500.  It's a considerably good deal because we were able to save 200 pesos.  You can still avail the promo until March 31st. Want to know more about it? Click here

Here's their poster. Click the image to visit their official website. 

That's my ticket!

As I said, our first stop was the Marine Show (Sea Lion Show). We had to wait for almost 20 minutes under the burning heat of the sun before the last show started. I had no idea how I was able to enjoy the show because it was seriously scorching and I was so scared of getting nognog in an instant. Nevertheless, I had no choice but to deal with it. Good thing Robai brought an umbrella. 

That's me, my bestfriend and Neil while waiting under the heat of the sun. 

 The show featured two South American Sea Lions, Icis and Yeni (I don't know if I got their name correctly), together with their trainors Mark and Eric. The trainors explained how sea lions are different from seals like the former having bigger flippers  and longer whiskers than the latter. They also explained the normal activities of the sea lions, their natural habitat and their different ways of swimming. I did not understand what they were saying though because the audio sucked and my brain was fuzzy because of the heat. I enjoyed watching those adorable sea lions though. They knew how to clap their flippers, dance, scratch their heads and bow. They even know how to make  inarte. Haha. If it wasn't a crime to have them as pets, I would certainly want to. They're like dogs, only cuter and smellier. 

The show lasted for 30 minutes which, in my opinion, is not worth the money we paid but then again, I had to understand those poor sea lions. They must have been having a hard time because of the unforgivable climate that our beautiful country has.  After the show, the trainors announced that audience can have their photos taken with the sea lions if they wanted to but for an extra cost. I think that's just a ploy for them to earn more money. Haha. I personally would like to hug them but then again, I was afraid of getting wet so I just decided not to. 

If you're interested at how much a photo with those cutesy-patootsie sea lions costs, it's about 300 pesos for a 3R picture. That's the same cost that you have to pay if you want to claim the   hard copy of the supposed "free-shot" that each guest was entitled to upon entering the vicinity of the Sea Lion show. 600 pesos if you want some silly sea world designs on your photo.  Cheap, right? (insert sarcasm)..  :)

After that, we decided to go to the Oceanarium which is basically the main attraction of the park. We walked into the Amazon section, a room designed like a tropical South American rainforest with tree vines hanging over our head, man-made waterfalls and huge aquariums containing giant Arapaimas, Arowanas and other fishes which name I no longer remember. According to some people, there were supposed to be piranhas in that section. Unfortunately, we did not see one.   I tried to read the descriptions at the side of the aquariums and it was a little bit funny that every time I do, I keep having flashbacks of Harry and the boa constrictor in the Sorcerer's Stone. Hihi. 

I have no idea what that tree is called but I'd like to put one inside my house someday. 
Yes, INSIDE my house. :) (Kanya-kanyang trip lang yan..)

Sorry for the crappy quality, I was only using my trusted mobile phone (and boyfriend) Aleckses, a Nokia 5630.

 It was amazing how big those fishes were. I could not put it into perspective. That fish could eat an entire baby alive! Aside from those fishes, we saw a small turtle cohabiting with other white fishes. I tried to take a picture of the turtle but the other visitors were blocking my view so I just moved on.

After that, we climbed a set of wooden stairs and reached the section of the sole crocodile. It was uneventful. His habitat looked dirty and he seemed miserable. Maybe, she (or he) was looking for some company... (whuuuut!!). 

A man-made falls was situated opposite the crocodile's habitat. It would have been beautiful because it gave the jungle-y feeling but if you come to close, you'll smell something nasty. I think it wasn't being maintained well but it's good enough for taking pictures. We went down the other side of the room. I had my picture taken beside an anito. That's an Ifugao statue believed to stand guard at your house or any special location. 

 On the other side, we saw huge aquariums containing kois (which did not smell good as well), giant catfishes (scary hito...), starfishes, eels, manta rays, black knife fishes, goldfishes and bamboo sharks. I was able to hold one starfish. It was amazing. (coz i'm ignorante...haha).

A Black Ghost Knife Fish and small turtle

Bubblehead Goldfish!

the smelly Kois. 
(I don't understand why people like to put them in their ponds)
Mama shark and Papa Shark

I held it! I held it!

Scary Sting Ray and pretty starfishes

A park attendant is guarding the aquariums, fending off people who were using flashes on their camera or people/children who were trying to put their hands inside the aquarium. One thing you have to remember (and I think we owe it to the fishes given the cruelty that we are putting them through), do not use your camera's flash while inside the Oceanarium. It scares the pretty little fishes and give them trauma. 

After the Amazon section is the Bahura section. The name is quite interesting because Bahura, in my hometown, is a name of a famous (and high-end) resort. I believe the word bahura literally means sandbank/sandspit or in Filipino, pilapil ng buhangin. (thank you Wikipedia for the info)

This section has several aquariums containing hundreds of fishes that are believed to be living in the shallow parts of the water. The fishes varied in color, sizes and appearances. There were also eels, barnacles and corals as well as two tanks containing dirty Manila Bay water. If you see those tanks, you'll wonder why there are still people who find it enjoyable to swim in the Manila Bay waters. It's disgusting. Below are some of the pictures I took. I only posted those fishes that I liked. 

Yes, I found Nemo. Or should I say, Nemos?

The birth of a bamboo shark. 
It's amazing coz you'll really see the baby shark moving inside the egg. 
(It's that orange thing on the wall)

Lionfish minding his own business

Pufferfish withot spikes 
(This is something I learned from Feeding Frenzy)

creepy spotted garden eels are creepy. 
I can't still get over how weird (and scary) they are. 


The most kikay fish of all. 
They have lipstick and eyeliners. I swear.

Bowtie fish

After this, we walked into a section with several enormous (and when I say enormous, I mean it) containers. You can see giant (literally) fishes swimming in what seems to be a habitat designed after a shipwreck location. I figured this was the section for deep-sea creatures. Those fishes were SCARY coz they were bigger than a six-year old kid. 

We did not stay there for too long. We proceeded to one of my most favorite places in the park, the Living Ocean (Buhay na Karagatan) tunnel. lt was a way for us to see the fishes and other sea creatures up close . Sting rays and sharks were swimming over my head, it was so fantastic. It was like scuba diving minus the oxygen tank, nasty overalls and exorbitant fee. 

Yes, that's a ray swimming over my head. 

It was a short tunnel though. It's over before you even begin to realize it. We reached the Shark and Manta Ray sections. Huge aquariums can be seen on the side housing several types of sharks but I forgot the names. Up above, you can see the glass ceiling is actually another aquarium for Manta Rays. They were large manta rays, probably as big as I am. 

We went past a small science activity center for kids and went up the second floor. On it was the Fish Spa which you can avail for 120 pesos or free if you availed the Sun-up Saver or Ultimate Adventure package. We didn't. I actually wanted to try it coz my feet are nasty and callous from four years of wearing slippers in UP but we were pressed for time so we just moved on. Aside from the footspa, you can also see the entrance to the Aquanaut adventure and the Glassbottom adventure which are both costly. The former costs 995pesos per person for a ten minute experience inside the Living Ocean while the latter costs 180 per person per hour. I think they were unnecessary expenses if you are working on a tight budget but if you have money to spare, then maybe you can go for it. :)) 

After the Oceanarium Adventure, we bought tickets for the Musical Fountain Show. On normal occasions, it will cost 300PhP per person but they have a promo right now so were able to buy tickets for only 99PhP. (We saved 201php :)) The show starts at 6:30pm and we were able to get inside just in time. I did not take a lot of pictures but I took a video of the entire show. It lasted for 30 minutes. 

(video will be posted soon, I am encountering some technical problems with my uploader)

I posted it just in case someone is interested to watch it. Sorry for the quality though, I took it using Aleckses again. 

After the fountain show, we decided to go to the Jellies because it was almost 7pm and we were afraid that we might not be able to make it. Fortunately, the guy at the entrance booth allowed us to go inside albeit grumpily. 

The Jellies is my favorite place in this park because the jellyfishes indeed looked fantastic. There were hundreds and hundreds of them and since they are transparent, their color changed as the lights inside the aquariums changed. Vivaldi's Four Seasons was playing in the background. It is the perfect place to bring your loved ones as the ambiance is so romantic :) 

The trip was so exhausting. We went straight to Pancake House and had dinner. I ordered a Pan-fried Chicken Set while my  bestfriend ordered the Hamburger Steak. Neil ordered the Pan-fried Chicken Set too (gaya-gaya) and we spent a good 30 minutes bashing the woman on the next table who was scolding the waitress for a misunderstanding that seemed to be her (the woman's) fault. (see another entry for the story) 

All in all, Manila Ocean Park is okay. It was not as spectacular as I thought it would be but heck, it was able to make the best out of the resources available to them. It just pains me that it does not give justice to the beauty that is the  Philippine waters but then again, what did we expect? Haha. 

Will I go back here again? Perhaps. I'll bring my baby brother here if he ever is in town. I think he'll enjoy it coz he's only six and when you're six years old, things like this are absolutely amazing. 

If you want to have an idea how much I spent for this evening, here's the breakdown

Jeep from Pasay Rotonda to Luneta --15
Entrance (Marine Encounter promo)-  500
Musical Fountain Show - 99
Coke --  45
Food (Pan Chicken Set) -- 245
Jeep from Luneta to Pasay Rotonda -13   

Total: PhP917

Now I'm planning our next adventure. Potipot, here we come. :) 

*Sorry, this post is crappy. I'll improve the words next time. I'm just sabaw right now. 


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